Lavender is used internally for indigestion, irritability, anxiety, exhaustion, tension headaches, migraine and bronchial complaints.
The oil is widely used in aromatherapy to ease tension, tiredness and feelings of depression. Lavenders gentle yet powerful healing properties allow it to be used for burns and insect bites.
Used externally to treat most type of burns, including sunburn, rheumatism, muscular pains, neuralgia, cold sores, insect bites, head lice, halitosis, vaginal discharge and anal fissure.
It has an analgesic effect on the skin, which helps with pain relief, but it is the antiseptic and stimulant properties which make it very effective for use on wounds and burns.
It is mainly used for its antiseptic and anti-dandruff properties but also have antibacterial, spasmolytic (relieving spasms) and local pain killing actions.
On the skin, lavender oil tones and revitalizes it and it is useful for all types of skin problems, such as abscesses, acne, oily skin, boils, burns, sunburn, wounds, psoriasis, lice, insect bites, stings. It also acts as an insect repellent.
The recommendations detailed below are for an ADULT. Please modify dosages where appropriate.
INFANTS – 2 years 1/4 dose ie: 1-2 drops essential oil to 10 ml carrier oil.
CHILDREN 2-12 years 1/2 dose.PREGNANCY 1/2 dose ie: 2-3 drops essential oil to 10ml carrier oil
Although the essential oil is well tolerated by all skin types, it must be, like all essential oils, used with care – remember essential oils are powerful and very concentrated.